Friday 13 April 2012

POTD: The other sides...

I know I have sent loads of pictures of St. Paul's on POTD, but most of them have been from just one side. Today, I am trying to present the iconic structure from some other sides…


All the below pictures taken with iPhone 4.


1)      Picture #1 (taken with Bracket Mode and fused in Pro HDR)


2)      Picture #2 (taken with Pro Camera app)



3)      Picture #3 (taken with Bracket Mode and merged with Pro HDR)


4)      Picture #4 (Taken with Hipstamatic)



5)      Picture #5 (Taken with Hipstamatic)



6)      Picture #6 (Taken with Pro HDR)


7)      Picture #7 (Taken with Bracket Mode and combined in Pro HDR)


8)      Picture #8 (taken with Pro Camera)


9)      Picture #9 (taken with Hipstamatic)


10)   Picture #10 (taken with Hipstamatic)


Yesterday's Polling Results


Number 1

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