Tuesday 30 August 2011

Pane in Rain

Rain drops from the clouds and onto trees,
Down the tree trunks and off the leaves.
Down a mountain, into a brook,
Past a chipmunk in a nook.
Into a pond, off a log.
On top of a turtle and onto a frog.
Onto roads, onto the grass,
Onto trains and trucks that pass.
On top of bridges, cars and boats.
Even onto people’s coats.
Onto houses and my windowpane.
I just love to watch the drops,
The drips and drops of rain.
- E.B. (1938- ) MotherGooseCaboose
Unlike Irene, we had some small rains last Friday, and I captured these two pics at our office window. First picture was taken with an iPhone; edited for selective coloring in Fotolr (CSplash Pro still remains my favourite) and Tilt-Shift filter added in FX Photo Studio. Second picture was taken with IXUS 310Hs and is largely unedited except for adding a bit of saturation in PS.

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