Friday 30 September 2011

St. Paul's Panoramas

Continuing with the past two day's theme, we have some more of St. Paul's today – this time in the shape of Panoramic pictures. I haven't dabbled with this part of photography before, and have started experimenting it recently.

On this occasion, I took some pictures from the terrace of the One New Change mall – on recommendation from Ian (you get the credit again J). Basically, I took some 16 pictures spanning from Shard to St. Paul's part of the view and then stitched them together in Autostitch app. I loved the result and hope you like it as well. Then, I took a second panorama of the front side of St. Paul's, which has come out more like a fisheye picture but that's the best I could create from such a short distance.
(taken with Canon IXUS 310HS and stitched together in Autostitch)
(taken with iPhone and collated in Autostitch)
P.S.: Yesterday's voting result: Cinematic version (#3) won hands down, closely followed by the Monochrome version (#2).

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