Wednesday 4 January 2012

POTD: Rewards of simple life

To find the universal elements enough; 

to find the air and the water exhilarating; 

to be refreshed by a morning walk 

or an evening saunter; 

to be thrilled by the stars at night; 

to be elated over a bird's nest 

or a wildflower in spring

- these are some of the rewards of the simple life. 

~ John Burroughs, Naturalist (1837-1921) ~


This is a picture of Swallow Falls in Wales. I took it when I was just starting to understand my new DSLR earlier last year in May 2011. Back then, I didn’t know the slow shutter technique and neither did I have the required polarising or neutral density filters. If I were to take this shot again with my improvised knowledge on the subject, the flowing water would come out much smoother than you see here. Nevertheless, I like the picture because of the abundant greenery around the waterfall. I love going to Wales because of this pristine beauty you get to experience there.


1)      Original


2)      Iris version


3)      Camera+ version


4)      Photo Toaster version


5)      Simply HDR version1


6)      Simply HDR version2


7)      Pocket Monet version


8)      Paint It Now version


9)      Magic Hour version


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