Thursday 8 December 2011

POTD: Lake Manyara Sunset

I wonder why when you say goodbye
beautiful colours paint the sky.
Shades of orange, yellow and pink too
all come out because of you.
And although I hate to see you go,
I really do enjoy the show.
I've seen you leave so many times
and still it's a favourite sight of mine.
There'll be no sadness, be no sorrow
because my sun, you'll come out tomorrow.
I won't feel hurt, I'll feel no pain
because on your way down, your colours will reign.

1)      Panorama - Autostitch

2)      Original – Camera+

3)      ToonPaint

4)      Snapseed

5)      Snapseed – Drama

6)      Photo Toaster – Color Burst

7)      Simply HDR

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