Thursday 29 December 2011

POTD: Sunrise Landscape (Tarangire)

This is first of several sunrise landscapes that I will be sending over the course of next few days. This one is of a dead acacia tree in Tarangire. The original picture was taken with Nikon D5100 SLR and then apped up on my iPhone 4 in various versions mentioned below.


1)      Original


2)      Camera+ version


3)      Lumiere version


4)      Magic Hour version


5)      Noir version


6)      PhotoToaster1 version


7)      PhotoToaster2 version


8)      PicFX version


Yesterday’s Polling Results

Number 6 (Angry Duckling by Pranav) got the maximum likes, closely followed (trailing by just 1 vote) by Number 2 (Canary Wharf view – Bright version)


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