Friday 14 October 2011

POTD: Flamboyant Skyline

We started the week with a magnanimous 7 pictures. I thought it will be best to end it in the same grand way. I took all these pictures standing on the viewing porch outside the Tower of London museum at around 7ish in the evening, watching the sunset in its full splendour. All the pictures were taken with just an iPhone and then edited in the various apps as specified.
  1. Original
(edited in Camera+ for darkening the duller regions of the frame and accentuate the skyline)
  1. Stellar

(applied the Stellar filter in PicFX app)
  1. Collage

(all 4 pics created through various filters in FX Photo Studio and then collaged in Photowall)
  1. Deep Focus

(applied Deep Focus filter in Dynamic Light app)
  1. Dazed

(applied the Dazed filter in Photo Toaster app)

  1. Serenity

(applied Serenity filter in Photo Toaster app)
  1. Lomo

(applied the Lomo filter in Photo Toaster app)

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